CES Sample Exam – PM

Civil Engineering Structural PE Sample Exam

Civil Engineering Structural PE Sample Exam
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Working through sample PE Exam questions is one of the most efficient methods of preparing for exam.

  • Spend time understanding the intent of the question (i.e. what is the question writer actually testing you on)
  • Find useful resources that help answer the questions in the Sample Exam (and similar questions)
  • Assemble your resources into a system that you can use on exam day

If there is anything we can do for you as you work through this material, please do not hesitate to ask.


Sample Exam - PM

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CES-01     Analysis of Structures/Loads and Load Applications:
A 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 12 in. thick reinforced concrete footing is supporting an 18 in. x 18 in. column. The column is loaded with a dead load (D) of 125 kips and a live load (L) of 100 kips. What is the design soil pressure for this footing?

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CES-02     Analysis of Structures/Forces and Load Effects:
A footing designed to resist a moment in addition to an axial column load is called a(n):

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CES-03     Analysis of Structures/Forces and Load Effects:
In the given frame wall, what is the load on member BC?

4 / 10

CES-04     Material Quality Control and Production/Concrete Proportioning and Placement:
Which of the following will reduce the strength of concrete?

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CES-05     Design and Details of Structures/Materials and Material Properties:
According to ASTM, a slump cone or Abrams cone is to be _____ inches tall.

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CES-06     Design and Details of Structures/Component Design and Detailing:
A simply supported, 20 foot long, 12” x 8” wood beam is subjected to a distributed load of 3.5 kips/ft. What and where is the maximum bending moment on the beam?

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CES-07     Design and Details of Structures/Component Design and Detailing:
A steel rivet has an allowable shear stress of f’v = 12,300 psi and a cross sectional area of 0.196 in2. What is the maximum load the rivet can withstand?

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CES-08     Design and Details of Structures/Component Design and Detailing:
For shallow foundations, the minimum width of footings shall be ______ inches.

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CES-09     Codes and Construction/Codes, Standards, and Guidance Documents:
The wind load on an exterior wall shall not cause a deflection of more than _____ inches in the structural members in the wall. Assume the wall is finished with flexible finishes (i.e. siding, gypsum board). L = length of structural member.

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CES-10    Codes and Construction/Temporary Structures and Other Topics:
The temporary structure built to mold concrete to the desired size and shape, and controls its position and alignment is called __________.

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The Civil Engineering Structural PE Sample Exam is designed to help you prepare for the PE Exam by following these three steps:

  1. Work through the information in the Sample Exam … follow the references … dig deep.
    • following the references/links for the problems will expand your knowledge of the subject.
  2. Work as many problems as you can find and note where you have difficulties.
    • working the problems in the Sample Exam plus any additional examples you can find is an excellent test preparation method.
  3. Take the time to put together a comprehensive Test-Prep Resource Library©
    • the Test-Prep Resource Library© is my #1 recommendation for everyone preparing for the PE Exam.

NOTE: As per the NCEES Examinees Guide, books, notes, notebooks, etc. are no longer permitted in the testing room. This does not diminish the importance of a Test-Prep Resource Library© as a method of study and preparation. Taking the time to assemble your own library will naturally help you categorize and document your study materials, help you determine what’s essential to pass the exam, and keep all your resources in one easy to access tool.

Remember, this is a process. If you will do these things, you will be successful!

  • Spend time every day gathering information
  • Work the example problems in the Civil Engineering Structural PE Sample Exam
  • Assemble the resources into an organized system

Civil Engineering PE Structural Sample Exam

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